The reserve is a research institution and carries out scientific and scientific-technical activities.
Scientific activity in environmental institutions is carried out by organizing stationary systematic observations for the study of natural complexes and objects of the state nature reserve fund, monitoring natural processes, including keeping a Chronicle of Nature, as well as developing scientific foundations and methods for the conservation of biological diversity, restoration of ecological systems and objects of the state nature reserve fund.
Research activities include:
- fundamental scientific research aimed at obtaining new knowledge, including keeping a Chronicle of nature;
- applied scientific research aimed at developing scientific methods of nature protection and environmental monitoring.
Scientific and technical activities include:
- conducting comprehensive environmental monitoring;
- conducting an inventory of natural and historical-cultural complexes and objects;
- creation of geographic information systems and related databases.
The main areas of scientific research are:
- inventory of natural complexes and their individual components within the territory of the natural reserve and its protected zone with the allocation of model ecosystems in the studied territory, territories subject to the change of one type of biocenosis to another, species – indicators of the ecological state of the natural environment;
- formation of a database on the state and dynamics of biocenoses, as well as their components;
- study of populations of rare and endangered, reference and valuable species of plants and animals in a protected area, as well as the impact of environmental factors and the protection regime on them;
- monitoring of natural processes, recording the results in the «Chronicle of Nature» in order to register all changes occurring in natural complexes as a result of natural and direct or indirect anthropogenic influences;
- development of scientifically based proposals and recommendations to improve the protection, rational use and restoration of natural complexes, biological diversity, individual species and groups of organisms. Based on the analysis of all types of activities (economic, recreational) in the state natural reserve, scientific methods for the conservation and restoration of biodiversity are being developed and implemented;
- comparative analysis of the biological diversity of the territory of the natural reserve and adjacent territories.
- reintroduction of animals: Bukhara deer, kulan, tiger.
The staff of the scientific department of the reserve includes 8 employees: the head of the department, a senior researcher, 2 researchers, 1 junior researcher and 3 laboratory assistants.
Scientific research work on the territory of the reserve is carried out in accordance with the Management Plan of the Ile-Balkhash State Natural Reserve for 2019-2023 and the Long-term Thematic Work Plan for the period 2019-2023, approved by the order of the Committee of Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ile-Balkhash GNR.
It is planned to conduct scientific work on the following topics:
- «The study of the nature of stay, biology, migration routes of mammals of the Ile-Balkhash GNR and their seasonal accounting. Inventory of theriofauna»;
- «Inventory of avifauna of GNR Ile-Balkhash and adjacent territories, distribution and abundance of rare, endangered, globally significant and key bird species»;
- «Ichthyological and hydrobiological studies of GNR Ile-Balkhash, inventory of ichthyofauna»;
- «Study of flora and vegetation of GNR Ile-Balkhash by ecosystems, plant inventory»;
- «Inventory of entomofauna of GNR Ile-Balkhash»;
- «Monitoring of meteorological conditions and hydrological regime of water bodies of the Ile-Balkhash GNR»;
- «The Chronicle of Nature».
Since December 2018, the Scientific and Technical Council has been operating in the reserve, which is a scientific and expert body for the collegial management of research and scientific and technical activities of the reserve. The STC consists of the director of the reserve and his deputies for research and general issues, the chief accountant, 4 employees of the scientific department of the reserve, the head of the department of tourism, recreation and environmental education.
The STC of the reserve performs the following functions:
- reviews and approves the plans and programs of scientific research of researchers and their reports on the results of scientific activities;
- discusses the results and prospects for the development of integrated monitoring in protected areas;
- carries out the review and acceptance of research results prepared by order of the protected areas;
- considers issues on the submission of researchers to departmental and government awards and honorary titles; on nomination for prizes and scholarships;
- discusses issues of publishing scientific papers, preparation for scientific and scientific-practical meetings and conferences;
- prepares and approves organizational and methodological documents on the scientific and research activities of protected areas;
- considers issues related to the development of cooperation between the reserve and other research institutions and universities, including the training of scientific personnel and specialists in the field of environmental protection;
- evaluates long-term plans to optimize the territorial structure of the reserve, its borders, and the creation of new specially protected natural areas in the region;
- examines and prepares expert opinions on projects and schemes for the placement of economic and other facilities that can have a negative impact on the ecosystems of the protected area, including within the framework of their public and state expertise;
- conducts certification of scientific personnel of the reserve;
- considers and approves plans and programs for conducting scientific seminars on topical issues in protected areas;
- considers issues related to the management of natural resources of protected areas, including those related to the removal of wild animals and plants from the territory;
- based on monitoring data and scientific research, it prepares recommendations to the director of the protected area on the regulation (increase or decrease) of anthropogenic loads on tourist and excursion routes, as well as on specially designated sites on the territory of the protected area;
- consideration of other issues of scientific and scientific-technical activities of protected areas that require a collegial decision.
Scientific cooperation
The Reserve has long-term scientific ties and concludes new agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields of scientific research.